
Parameter framework – a risk management tool to improve the safety of tailings facilities
J. Engels, D. Dixon-Hardy, C. McDonald and K. Kreft-Burman

The TailSafe Parameter Framework, referred to informally as the TailPro resource, is a risk management tool to help users systematically assemble, reconcile and share data and experiences relating to the improvement of safety of tailings facilities.

Risk management is ultimately a matter of controlling critical parameters. The TailPro resource focuses on the critical risk factors in the prevention of tailings spills and contamination. It also addresses management practices and protocols for properly detecting, measuring, monitoring, and evaluating those risk factors, plus the regulatory requirements, preventative measures and intervention actions which enable their control.

The development of the resource has been prompted by the lack of practical information readily available to personnel involved in the construction, operation and management of tailings storage facilities. The content has been established mainly from worldwide tailings documentation, and sitespecific management strategies reviewed for the TailSafe project. Industrial feedback has played an 
important role in the design and presentation of the resource, providing an original and unique approach to enhancing tailings management.

Key words: mine tailings, parameter framework, risk management, TailPro resource

Land Contamination & Reclamation, 15 (2), 223-233 (2007)

DOI 10.2462/09670513.785

© 2007 EPP Publications Ltd

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